This Week’s Events
We have a Google Calendar that is constantly being updated with our latest events. Click here to add it to your calendar!
Winter General Meeting
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm on January 8th, 2024, in the Cohen Room
Hello again! I hope you all had a wonderful winter break and are ready to jump back into school. You may not be ready to start classes again, but school starting also means IEEE will start again too‼️
This is your official notice that WINTER GM 🥶 will be THIS WEDNESDAY 1/8 at 7PM in the Cohen Room in Engineering VI (yes there will be food provided) (yes all of your favorite officers will be there). Come for a recap of what we did during fall quarter, and find out what we'll be doing this quarter!
IDEA Hacks
January 10th to 12th, 2024, in the Ackerman Grand Ballroom
Next Week’s Events
MovIEEE Social
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm on January 16th, 2024, (location TBD)
Hey bestIEEEs‼️ Come to our first social of the quarter and hang out with your favorite engineers while watching a movie that will rock your world!! (no rocks or worlds guaranteed) This social will be in the IEEE Lab on Thursday, 1/16 from 6-9PM and we will provide some very delicious snackIEEEs to satisfy movie cravings 😋 Be sure to bring any blankets or pillows to make your screening experience as comfy as possible 😎 SEE YOU AT THE MOVIES
RSVP form link:
Texas Instruments Lunch & Learn
11:30 am to 1:00 pm on January 17th, 2024, (location TBD)
Come join IEEE and Texas Instruments for a Lunch and Learn on Friday, January 17 from 11:30 am to 1 pm! You will have the chance to talk with TI representatives, ask questions, and receive tips about interviews and internships. Food and merch will be provided!
Projects This Week
None this week!
Projects Next Week
OPS Lecture 5
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm on January 14th, 2024, (location TBD)
HEY OPS! We will be hosting our first lecture of Winter Quarter! In Lecture 5 we will be discussing Switches, Signals, & IPoduinos. The lecture will be on Tuesday (1/14) at 4 pm. See you there!
DAV Lecture 4: Digital Signal Processing
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm on January 15th, 2024, (location TBD)
Happy new year and welcome back! We are kicking off the quarter with your fourth lecture on digital signals! Ever wondered what an audio spectrum is? Curious about how we can display sounds on a histogram in real time? Join us at 6:30 pm to learn more!
WRAP DSP Lecture 2
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on January 16th, 2024, (location TBD)
Welcome back WRAP students! Join us from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM to learn about digital filtering and optimization algorithms to bring us one step closer to actually implementing our WRAP system in real life. Reminder that this will be our last lecture that all WRAP students will attend, regardless of preference for DSP or HW. See you there!
None yet!
Member of the Week
Ryan Khalkhali
Year and major: Senior, Electrical Engineering
Involvement with IEEE: WRAP member
Hobbies: Playing and watching basketball/fútbol, video games, discovering new music, and exploring new parks as well as thrifting and cafe hoping
Favorite memory with IEEE: I would say my Favorite Memory with IEEE so far has been post yap sesh after the wrap lectures
Your most useless talent or fun fact: I love Larry David
Favorite Artist, Song, or Album: My fam Album right now is, Can't Buy a Thrill by Steely Dan
Piece of advice to our readers: A Great man once asked, "What if I Fall?", and an even greater man once responded by, "But boy What if you fly?"
The FunnIEEE Part
Meme of the Week
Poll of the Week
IEEE at UCLA is dedicated to equity, diversity, inclusion, and member safety. If you have any suggestions, questions, incident reporting, and anything else you would like to share, fill out this anonymous form.