[IEEE @ UCLA] Week 6, Spring 2024
Have a safe and productive week and good luck on projects/midterms!! :)
This Week’s Events
We have a Google Calendar that is constantly being updated with our latest events. Click here to add it to your calendar!
Advanced Arduino Activities
6:00 to 8:00 pm on May 7th, 2024, in the Tesla Room
Wondering what to do next with your OPS kit? Need a few more ideas for our hardware hackathon, IdeaHacks next year? Join us for our next workshop in our Spring workshop series focusing on more advanced uses of the powerful Arduino microcontroller. Come on out to learn more about different peripherals, serial communication systems, and more to help you start your own summer projects or side hobbies. An Arduino is not needed for attendance but if you want to bring your own that would be awesome!
ECE Townhall
6:00 to 8:00 pm on May 9th, 2024, in the Shannon Room
Want to change something about the EE curriculum at UCLA? Have feedback about an EE class that you have taken? Come to the ECE Townhall and fill out the Townhall Survey!
When: Thursday, May 9, from 6-8pm (if you can’t come for the whole time, that’s okay!)
Where: Shannon Room (Engineering IV - Room 54-134)
Free pizza will be served. During the event, you will have an opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions to ECE faculty. The event is open to anyone that has taken or is planning to take ECE classes at UCLA.
Please RSVP with this link: tinyurl.com/eceth24rsvp
Please fill out the anonymous survey by Wednesday, May 8 at 11:59pm here: tinyurl.com/eceth24survey
With more survey responses, there is a higher likelihood that we can improve the ECE programs at UCLA!
Next Week’s Events
6:00 to 9:00 pm on May 17th, 2024, in the Tesla Room
GB Banquet
6:00 to 8:00 pm on May 18th, 2024, in the Boelter Penthouse
Pull up to the LAST EVER GB BANQUET!! As the school year comes to an end, meet up with your GB parents and siblings one last time. 😎 Come for some AMAZING food (I hope you guys have practiced cooking with your GB this year 🧑🍳) and to finally find out which GB is TRULY THE BEST 🔥🔥 dress up in THEME with your GB for even more extra points. 🫣🥶
RSVP at https://tinyurl.com/gbbanquet2024rsvp
OPS Project 7 Worksession
6:00 to 8:00 pm on May 9th, 2024 in the IEEE Lab
It's time. We had so much fun with GameBuino, we decided to do it again. You will be recreating Red Light Green Light using Arduinos communicating with each other wirelessly. To make this happen, join us in the IEEE lab on Thursday, 5/9/24, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM!
OPS Lecture 10: PID Control
6:00 to 7:30 pm on May 16th, 2024 in the Faraday Room
Welcome, OPS students, to your very last lecture! This time we will be going over PID controllers, and detailing some of the new parts you will need for your Capstone. We will give an overview of the Capstone itself, as well as some important logistics specific to this project. Stay tuned!
EDI Townhall
IEEE, WATT, and HKN are organizing our very first "EDI Townhall" where we plan on sharing student experiences and opinions about current EDI issues at UCLA School of Engineering. While we are focusing this round of efforts on the student organization experience, we want to hear from you and your opinions on various EDI related topics. If you have 5 minutes, please fill out this form and help us get feedback!
The form is here: https://tinyurl.com/uclaedi
[NEW] All-Women Robotics Team at UCLA

Hi! Our women robotics team has begun its workshops this quarter to mimic the process of competing in the University Rover Competition, which we plan to win next year. It is open to all regardless of robotics experience and has several subteams including marketing/business, programming, CAD/design, manufacturing, science, and of course electrical. Join our slack here for all of the latest updates regarding scheduling and joining a team if you are interested!! Slack Link
HobbIEEEs [NEW!]
Do you want to make more IEEE friends who share in the same hobbies as you? Do you want to explore more hobbies that you haven't had a chance to try before? Then it's time to fill out the HobbIEEEs form! We will be forming hobby discord channels for you to all join soon, so fill out the form if interested! :)
Fill out this form to indicate interest!!
Member of the Week
Matthew Chandler
Year and major: Sophomore, Electrical Engineering
Hobbies: Gaming (League, RoR2, Celeste), NYT games, watching League esports (sleep schedule will be awful this month ;-;), going on walks, meditating, and reading the news (mostly NYT)
Favorite memory with IEEE: My first IDEA Hacks last year was super fun! AAMC too! Maybe all-nighters at IEEE events go extra hard???
Your most useless talent or fun fact: I can say from memory what each of the 27 constitutional amendments does, in order.
Favorite Artist, Song, or Album: The album Shadowboxer by Mansionair is an amazing listen start to finish. Their song Harlem is probably my most-listened to song in the past year. Recently I've also been listening to a lot of Portugal the Man, mostly the Evil Friends album.
What you would be doing if time and money were not an issue: I would meditate much much more than I do now, maybe an hour a day. I would also try new sports, get into yoga, and spend more time outside and in the gym. I would definitely take the time to develop new hobbies too! Maybe crocheting, learning new languages, or getting into web development?
Piece of advice to our readers: If you use a Windows device and haven't already, you should really switch to using Windows Hello instead of Duo push for your MyUCLA 2-Factor Authentication. It lets you use your Windows login method (password, pin, fingerprint, face) for 2FA instead of you having to pull out your phone every time you want to login. Also, UCLA students get a free subscription to the New York Times, which does really great journalism :)
The FunnIEEE Part
Meme of the Week
Poll of the Week
Thank you to me for this week’s poll!! As always, fill out this form to suggest what our meme or poll should be for next week.
IEEE at UCLA is dedicated to equity, diversity, inclusion, and member safety. If you have any suggestions, questions, incident reporting, and anything else you would like to share, fill out this anonymous form.