This Week’s Events
We have a Google Calendar that is constantly being updated with our latest events. Click here to add it to your calendar!
Fall ECE Townhall
6:00 to 8:00 pm on Nov 13th, 2023 in the Shannon and Maxwell Room
Want to change something about the EE curriculum at UCLA? Have feedback about an EE class that you have taken? Fill out the ECE Townhall Survey and come to the ECE Townhall! When: Monday of Week 7, November 13th, from 6-8pm Where: Shannon Room (Engineering IV - Room 54-134) Free pizza will be provided. Please fill out the anonymous survey here: The results of the survey will be shared with the EE department and guide discussion at the townhall. With more survey responses, there is a higher likelihood that we can improve the ECE programs at UCLA! Please RSVP with this link:
PCB Design Workshop
6:30 to 8:30 pm on Nov 14th, 2023 in the Shannon Room
Utilizing Fusion 360, we will be covering the basics of PCB Design, ranging from schematics, to the three dimensional board design, and finishing touches to our final boards! For this workshop, please make sure to install Fusion 360 beforehand so that way we can cover as much as the PCB Design process as possible. As always no experience is required, all you need is your computer, mouse, and an open mind!
GB Reveal
6:30 to 7:30 pm on Nov 17th, 2023 in the Shannon Room
EDI (Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion) Committee Applications!
Application are out now!!!
EDI Committee applications are out now! The Equity, Diversion, & Inclusion (EDI) Committee is a committee whose goal is to push and create initiatives to make IEEE at UCLA a more safe and inclusive space for all along with doing EDI related advocacy work and integrating resources from IEEE national into our club! Even if you've never engaged with EDI before, join!!!! This is meant to be a growing and collaborative space for all perspectives and people. Apply here!
IEEE at UCLA Alumni Mentorship Program
Applications are out now until Friday, Dec 1st, 2023 at 11:59pm!!!!
Applications are extended until the end of Week 9! The Alumni Mentorship Program applications are now open to all IEEE members! This program aims to inspire, guide, and engage current IEEE members through the experienced guidance of IEEE alumni. Our mentors have a broad range of experiences in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science industries/education. You will be matched to a mentor who can best provide advice on what you need. Apply here now! If you are an alumni, you can apply to be a mentor or a guest panelist here and here!
Next Week’s Events
None yet!
Micromouse Lecture 4
6:00 to 7:00pm on November 13th, 2023 in the Tesla Room
Now your rat can move, but WHY DOES IT KEEP ON CRASHING INTO WALLS. AAAAAAAA. It needs 0.0. Learn how we give it spatial awareness by attending our IR Lecture : ).
PR Lecture 3
6:00 to 7:00 pm on November 13th, 2023 in the Faraday Room
WRAP Lecture 3
6:00 to 8:00 pm on November 16th, 2023 in the Faraday Room
OPS Lecture 3
6:00 to 7:00 pm on November 16th, 2023 in Mat Sci 5137
This OPS Thursday: be prepared for the event(s) of the quarter. It's time for Lecture 3: Capacitors, ICs, 555s. Don't be intimidated by all that mumbo jumbo, and instead come to lecture to learn! Capacitor equations, the wonderful yet confusing world of Integrated Circuits, and 555 timer pinouts that you'll remember at most half of, it'll be a good time. Most excitingly is that OPS students will have the knowledge to start OPS Project 2: The 555 Timer Piano! Make sure to join the project 2 worksession, happening right after lecture in the IEEE lab!
OPS Project 2 Worksession
7:00 to 9:00 pm on November 16th, 2023 in the IEEE Lab
Woah, two OPS events in one day! Right after attending lecture 3, the second official OPS worksession will occur in the IEEE lab, from 7:00-9:00 PM! Get a head start (and even finish) project 2, the 555 Timer Piano, working alongside fellow OPS students and getting direct help from your OPS leads (Adrian and Lara) whenever needed. Be prepared for 2 hours of hearing screechy buttons as you expand your electrical engineering knowledge!
WRAP Worksession 2
12:00 to 4:00 pm on November 18th, 2023 in the IEEE Room
None yet!
Member of the Week
Rachel Yen
Year and major: Sophomore, Electrical Engineering
Involvement with IEEE: DAV, GB lead (name TBD), Events Coordinator
Hobbies: Dance, walking to class very fast, Candy Crush
Favorite memory with IEEE: At fall picnic this year, we didn’t have time to run multiple rounds of tug of war, so we put three teams on each side of the rope and the (BRAND NEW) rope snapped in two like two seconds in XD
Your most useless talent or fun fact: I used to get sick every May, but then I realized I just have allergies…
What you would be doing if time and money were not an issue: Facebook mom that goes around taking pictures (specifically .5s) of everyone
Piece of advice to our readers: do not worry, everything will turn out ok
The FunnIEEE Part
Meme of the Week
This meme was brought to you by an anonymous member! Please submit meme ideas or memes here.
Poll of the Week
As always, fill out this form to suggest what our meme or poll should be for next week.
If you’ve read this far, leave a comment about why your poll choice is superior, what your Halloween costume will be, and like the post!
IEEE at UCLA is dedicated to equity, diversity, inclusion, and member safety. If you have any suggestions, questions, incident reporting, and anything else you would like to share, fill out this anonymous form.
I hate pancakes
crepes should be higher this is criminal