This Week’s Events
We have a Google Calendar that is constantly being updated with our latest events. Click here to add it to your calendar!
The $54K (Scholarship) Man - IEEE UPP Webinar
4:00 PM PST on Feb 28th, Online
Speaker: Michael Chavez, University of Nevada Reno Learn how one IEEE student member received over $54,000 in scholarships! During this webinar, Mike will share time-saving tips for finding and applying for scholarships. Add to Calendar:\
Network & Chill - IEEE UPP Online Event
6:00 pm PST on March 2nd, Online
Don’t miss this virtual networking opportunity to learn, share and collaborate with other IEEE student branch officers! Add to Calendar:
IEEE Officer Speed Dating
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on March 3rd, Room TBD
Interested in joining IEEE Board next year? Come on through to our Officer Speed Dating social, where you'll get a chance to learn all about the different positions on board and mingle with current officers! There'll be free food and good times, so don't miss out! :)
Next Week’s Events
None yet!
Micromouse Lecture 6
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Feb 27th, in the Maxwell Room Engineering IV
Can you believe it? We've come so far this past quarter and a half. Back in Fall Quarter, you had never even touched STM32CubeIDE or Autodesk Eagle, but now you guys are finishing up your fully custom PCB designs! The last piece of knowledge that we have yet to bestow upon you is here. The long awaited Maze-Solving Lecture has finally arrived! Show up to learn about how to program your Mouse with the skills necessary to remember previous maze paths and be able to choose the optimal path!
OPS Lecture 7: Communication & Coding
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on March 2nd in Young Hall CS 50
OPS is celebrating the last lecture of winter quarter with an ABSOLUTE UNIT of a lecture to get YOU ready for Project 5! Come on by for an extensive discussion on communication protocols, and a sneak peek of your future in CS (not really). We'll see you there!
None yet!
Member of the Week
Enoch Huang
Year and major: Junior, Electrical Engineering
Involvement with IEEE: Pocket Racers, formerly DAV and OPS
Hobbies: Playing the piano, frisbee and video games
Favorite memory with IEEE: The DAVaoke social at the end of last year
Your most useless talent or fun fact: I am deaf in my right ear
What you would be doing if time and money were not an issue: Buying broken computers and fixing them, or driving around for fun
Piece of advice to our readers: Be sure to get a good sleep schedule! I've noticed that the days I understand less in lecture are days where I stay up super late the night before
The FunnIEEE Part
Meme of the Week
Thank you Claire for this week’s meme! Please submit meme ideas or memes here.
Poll of the Week
As always, fill out this form to suggest what our meme or poll should be for next week.
If you’ve read this far, leave a comment about why your poll choice is superior and like the post!
UCLA IEEE is dedicated to diversity, inclusion, and member safety. If you have any suggestions, questions, incident reporting, and anything else you would like to share, fill out this anonymous form.