This Week’s Events
We have a Google Calendar that is constantly being updated with our latest events. Click here to add it to your calendar!
MATLAB Workshop
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm on March 9th, online
We will be having our last workshop of the quarter! This MATLAB workshop is guaranteed to help you succeed in courses like 133A, 131A, and 132A. We will be going through the fundamentals of MATLAB, as well as showing you demos and providing extensions for you to practice during your own time.
This workshop will be held on Zoom:
Next Week’s Events
None yet!
OPS Project 5 Worksession
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm on March 9th in the IEEE Lab
Feeling tic-tac-toetally lost on Project 5? Come to the IEEE Lab from 7-9pm, where your CS 32-certified OPS Leads will be awaiting your every beck and call. Come by for guidance on superior algorithmic techniques, or (more likely) a lesson on how to hardcode everything, like a true engineer.
Ripple 3-part Virtual Series
March 7th - You’re invited to attend our event, Ripple Info Session: Product at Ripple with Lead Product Manager Aman, on March 7 at 10:00 AM PST! Register with the link below to secure your spot. This will be a great opportunity for you to meet our team and learn more about Ripple.  RSVP here!
March 9th - You’re invited to attend our event, Ripple Info Session: Marketing at Ripple with Marketing Operations Manager Shreya, on March 9 at 12:00 PM PST! Register with the link below to secure your spot. This will be a great opportunity for you to meet our team and learn more about Ripple.  RSVP here!
March 15th - You’re invited to attend our event, Ripple Info Session: Engineering at Ripple with Software Engineer Ruchita, on March 15 at 2:00 PM PDT! Register with the link below to secure your spot. This will be a great opportunity for you to meet our team and learn more about Ripple.  RSVP here!
Member of the Week
Sanjit Sarda
Year and major: Freshman, Electrical Engineering
Involvement with IEEE: DAV Member, _hat GB, AMP
Hobbies: Listening to music, sleeping or doing both
Favorite memory with IEEE: Tightroping and iceeebloccking during InterGB Olympics
Your most useless talent or fun fact: I can solve a 15puzzle in 10 seconds
What you would be doing if time and money were not an issue: Raising an army of Kermits and taking over the shrimp population. Something about fish and something about frogs.
Piece of advice to our readers: Get 8 hours of sleep and eat breakfast.
The FunnIEEE Part
Meme of the Week
Thank you Eli for this week’s meme! Please submit meme ideas or memes here.
Poll of the Week
As always, fill out this form to suggest what our meme or poll should be for next week.
If you’ve read this far, leave a comment about why your poll choice is superior and like the post!
UCLA IEEE is dedicated to diversity, inclusion, and member safety. If you have any suggestions, questions, incident reporting, and anything else you would like to share, fill out this anonymous form.